The Old Magic of Christmas Book

The Old Magic of Christmas Book

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🕯🎄If you’ve been following me for a hot minute you probably know that I not only believe in faeries, but I also work with them and I am absolutely obsessed with folk lore, storytelling and faerie tales. I don’t buy things for myself very often but when I do, it’s usually an old vintage ornament, a haunted doll or a book on folklore and I think it’s about time I start sharing some of them with you to help keep the important tradition of storytelling alive. I used to pop on here and read you stories once in a while, if that’s something you would like me to do again I would happily do so! I’ve always wanted to have a nice storytelling voice like my friend @folktalejess but I sound like Fran Drescher with a cold instead!👻Anyways, about the book! This beautiful book is called The Old Magic of Christmas and it’s written by Linda Raedisch who also wrote the book “Night of the Witches” which is one of my favorite books of all time. It talks about the folklore, traditions and magical recipes for celebrating Walpurgis Night! But The Old Magic of Christmas is an excellent book as well! Words from the back cover, “Not so very long ago, Yuletide was as much a chilling season of ghosts and witches as it was a festival of goodwill. In The Old Magic of Christmas, you’ll rub elbows with veiled spirits, learn the true perils of elves, and discover a bestiary of enchanted creatures. Rife with the more frightful characters from folklore and the seasons most petulant ghosts, this book takes you in a spooky sleigh ride from the silvered firs of a winter forest to the mirrored halls of the Snow Queen. Along the way, you’ll discover how to bring the festivities into your home with cookie recipes and craft instructions, as well as tips into delving more deeply into your relationship with the unseen.”🕯There is a recipe for the Bishops Wine which is delicious and you will read about the Pelznichols which were some of the first dark Christmas spirits to make it to North America. Nisse, Tomtem, Tonttu and the Kirkonwaki visit these pages along with many witches, werewolves, spectral dogs and oh so many haunted hosts. If you decide to read it let me know what you think!🎄🕯

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